Michele + Bill // Longwood Gardens, PA

This was my first time at Longwood Gardens. This place is huge and we couldn't cover even half of it in the 3 hours we were there.  Aside from our 27 miles of hiking (joke)  there was so much teasing and dirty jokes with these two, and I was going to share some of those pictures but I didn't want to take away from how in love these two really are. The last photo says it all.

Amy + Yuri // Angel Orensanz, NYC

Sunrise to Midnight; this was the longest wedding of my life stretching almost 20 hours from when I left my house at 5 am until I got home past midnight the next day. I was lucky to be paired with my personal friends from  Level 13 Cinematography . Also I had my friend Kanayo come all the way from Maryland to help. With all this talent, the day was perfect like a well maintained machine. 

I cant explain to you how impressed I was by Amy and Yuri. Not just their stamina, and being able to endure such a long day, but having their hands In making this wedding their very own. Amy's aunt made her dress! insane!!!

Starting at the Rivington Hotel, we made our way to Central Park and ended at the Angel Orensanz Foundation, This New York City wedding was packed full of adventure.

I hope you all enjoy this blog post as much as I enjoyed making it!

Looking for more? Check out their engagement session HERE

Here is an awesome teaser!